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Michael Coppola – Cloud Computing and Cyber Security


Cloud Computing services refers to the delivery of various services via the Internet. These resources comprise of remote data storage servers, software applications, networking platforms, and databases. Cloud computing allows individuals and companies to store their sensitive information in remote databases. They can access this data as long as their computer systems have a web connection. It has the following advantages over an on-premise IT infrastructure:

  • End-users can access their data and files from any location,
  • It is a cheaper option than maintaining in-house servers, and
  • It can be scalable to meet the growing needs of companies.

Michael Coppola is the former Chief of Police of the Palisades Interstate Parkway Police Department in New Jersey, America. He has many years of valuable experience in law enforcement, public safety, and firefighting. During his tenure in the police force, he set up CJIS Solutions. This is the first cloud-hosting company to provide police forces with high-quality IT services at low costs.

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He says companies are now transferring their sensitive information to cloud-based servers and networking databases. The protection of this data from potential cyber threats is an important issue for them. Cloud security solutions offer businesses with numerous levels of control to safeguard their data from these online threats. They fall under the following categories:

  • Cloud Workload Protection Platforms provide monitoring and threat prevention features for virtual machines and other cloud infrastructure,
  • Cloud Access Security Broker Platforms (CASB) monitor online activity and enforce security guidelines to restrict accessibility, and
  • Software as a Service (SaaS) with security features, technology, and tools to protect remote data servers.

How to choose the right cloud security solution?

Companies should consider the following factors when selecting the right cloud security solution for their businesses:

  • It should have adequate protection features to safeguard sensitive data and workload,
  • It should be compatible enough to integrate into their in-house directory system, and
  • It should be capable of operating on a multi-cloud platform.

Advantages of cloud security solutions

The benefits of using cloud security solutions for companies are as follows:

  • Prevents hackers and other nefarious third parties from tampering with their confidential business data,
  • Stops the download of malware in the servers capable of launching distributed denial of service attacks,
  • Scalable enough to prevent server crashes when transacting vast volumes of online traffic,
  • Easily integrates the best practices which provide 24/7 surveillance and support to protect IT assets, and
  • Impose stringent compliance regulations to safeguard infrastructure, storing sensitive financial data.

Michael Coppola sums up by saying cloud security solutions allow companies to safeguard their confidential data in remote servers. They can consist of Cloud Workload Protection, SaaS, or Cloud Access Security Broker platforms. These software applications can prevent server crashes, distributed denial of service attacks, and tampering with sensitive information. The solutions even provide companies with 24/7 surveillance to safeguard their IT asset. Companies need to choose the right one for their businesses. It should have adequate security features, operate on a multi-cloud platform, and integrate into their directory system.


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