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Best Sci-Fi Movies


The world that exists beyond our planet is massive and filled with mysteries that intrigue the human brain. Whether or not we would ever be able to visit it is unclear, which is why science fiction movies exist! These films depict what other worlds are like and how the inhabitants of these worlds survive.

Today we will look at the best sci-fi movies of all time. The names in this list will be films that have set a quality benchmark in this respective genre. Therefore, let us jump right into it:

Gravity (2013)

One of the few movies to make 3D feel like a genuinely essential cinematic innovation, Alfonso Cuaron’s head-spinning spacewalk catastrophe movie remains a tense, lean survival thriller without its slightly nauseous third dimension.

With seasoned Lieutenant Matt Kowalski (George Clooney), Dr. Ryan Stone (Sandra Bullock) heads to a mission where they need to repair the Hubble. However, something, which they need to prepare for, takes place. They need each other to get home because they are lost and alone in space.

Dune (2021)

Alejandro Jodorowsky’s documentary about his failed adaptation, Jodorowsky’s Dune, is a fantastic watch in and of itself. The book, so vast and visionary that it defeated David Lynch and Alejandro Jodorowsky in their separate attempts to turn it into a blockbuster, was finally wrangled into a blockbuster hit!

Timothee Chalamet, Zendaya, and Rebecca Ferguson fight for supplies of a substance that makes interplanetary travel possible in Denis Villeneuve’s star-studded remake, which combines Villeneuve’s customary expansive graphics with a carefully calibrated plot. It is a visual pleasure that is not buried in the overly complicated and political plot dunes. In addition, the appearance of the enormous worm does not disappoint.

You can catch most of these movies including Dune on Netflix. For a buffer-free streaming experience, we recommend investing in a good internet provider like Grande Communications. Visit here to learn more about them.

Blade Runner (1982)

Before you realize the original story came from the all-seeing imagination of renowned author Phillip K Dick, enjoy the moody Vangelis score, the slow pans over a nightmarish Los Angeles from the future. It stars the youthful, gorgeous yet edgy Harrison Ford in the lead role.

There are many reasons to watch and re-watch, especially now that Ridley Scott has released the final version. The larger ensemble is fantastic, but the future-noir tone and atmosphere pop off the screen and give it a consistently new feel. It is a classic and a devastating one because it examines what it means to be human in the modern era.

Arrival (2016)

Alien life has arrived, and the only way to understand what humanity does is through a linguist seeking to decipher the meaning of the aliens’ cryptic language, not in the military arsenal or at the White House. Arrival is not your run-of-the-mill story. It is an exciting, brave, and daringly presented tale of life outside our world.

Denis Villeneuve’s picture again demonstrated that sci-fi is where the greatest concepts and most deep thoughts about the cosmos and our role in it come into play after a gap in big, think-y, ideas-led sci-fi movies.

2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)

Forget science fiction; Kubrick’s masterwork is among the best movies of all kinds. By asking one of the genre’s best writers, Arthur C. Clarke, to collaborate with him on the script, the director used his customary brilliance, ingenuity, and obsession with impeccable detail in the sci-fi film.

The end effect is a true journey across space and time in and of itself that is thought-provoking, visionary, and perplexing in the most excellent manner conceivable. Since then, every science fiction movie has been impacted by the production of this one in some manner. It’s incredible that it still appears new after 52 years (at one point, they were even doing the first-ever Zoom call). Kubrick also finds a way to make a computer into one of the greatest villains in movie history.

E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (1982)

You don’t need us to tell you that this is one of the greatest films ever made; it has remained such for more than 40 years. The film combines what may sometimes be the bleak, dystopian world of sci-fi with profoundly moving themes thanks to an astoundingly emotionally sophisticated performance from Henry Thomas as Elliot, the young child who discovers the alien (his audition is similarly captivating).

When I was younger, the iconic scene of Elliott and E.T. riding a bike into the sky left me in awe. It remains a standard for contemporary masterpieces (yes, Stranger Things, we’re looking at you!) and is considered one of Steven Spielberg’s best films (it won four Oscars).

The Matrix (1999)

We know that science fiction likes a dystopian conspiracy about the true nature of existence, but The Matrix kicked things up a notch in this regard. And is life as we know it right now merely a simulation? Yes, you should get comfortable with this fact.

With its computer hacker, played by Keanu Reeves, Neo, serving as the new Messiah to redeem humanity, it was released during the advent of the internet era, adding to its punch even more force. The action scenes have been constantly plagiarized, and their predictions about 21st-century existence have elevated it beyond ordinary cult status. It is stylish, riveting, and has a premise that Elon Musk, among others, finds so fascinating that he believes it might be true.

Inception (2010)

Sci-fi theorists love Inception because it was not as far-fetched as Nolan’s other work, Interstellar. The movie shares the idea of what if individuals could see into a single dream together. How will things work, then?

Yes, it combines heist and action movie clichés. Sometimes it cannot be very clear, but in a way that makes you want to see it again. The fact that a movie this original and challenging could also be a huge blockbuster hit with the reviled popcorn-eating masses is arguably the most startling (and, at the time, heartening) aspect of all.

Robocop (1987)

At first sight, it appears to be a garish, boisterous, and foolish example of studio filmmaking from the 1980s. Still, if you watch it again, you will discover a dark, provocative, and politically pertinent satire with a ton of technical skill on display.

When a police officer effectively killed while on duty gets reincarnated as the ultimate cyborg law enforcement, it is a simple revenge tale. However, it does not feel like a studio production; instead, its nihilism, gloom, and humanity give it a unique flavor. This helps Robocop complete our list of the finest sci-fi movies of all time.

Final Thoughts

Enjoy wandering in Arakis looking for the spice, or hide an alien in your garage; whatever the situation, these sci-fi films are more significant than life as they allow you to think bigger than ever. To truly enjoy these movies, you need an internet connection that does them justice. Grande is an excellent option. Learn more about the provider and their internet plans by contacting, Grande communications customer service.


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